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Why customer service is now more important than ever

Why customer service is now more important than ever
Why customer service is now more important than ever

Although our friends in the hospitality sector have faced the hardest hammering since the coronavirus pandemic has started, they've shown a level of resilience all companies should admire. They've pivoted their business models the most, found inventive ways to survive, and in some cases even thrived amidst what are extremely trying times. The most successful players in the industry also provide some of the best examples of something every business needs to pay attention to customer service. If you've been to a restaurant and enjoyed a great meal with exceptional attentiveness you're likely to return and tell your friends about it. On the other hand if you had a bad or average experience then you're less likely to tell people, and if you do it won't be flattering. All business relies on some level of customer service, and the code the hospitality industry adheres to is the same across any field of commerce. Get it right and you'll survive and thrive, no matter what the external circumstances. As an insight the latest Axios Harris Poll, a survey on perceptions of the 100 most visible American companies, found the most reputable are those that have played a vital role during the coronavirus pandemic. On the flip side those with the worst reputations have been mired in scandal and tend to not have the public's trust. Apart from continuing to support our bars, cafes and restaurants during these difficult times perhaps we should take a leaf from their management book as well.